TLS in Boundary
As a security product, Boundary has been designed from the ground up to ensure its connections are secure. There are three types of connections in Boundary; this page will describe how TLS works with each of them.
Some of the ways that Boundary uses TLS, e.g. for client-to-worker connections, are different from most other products. It may not be readily apparent that user configuration of TLS on the listening port of Workers is not only not required, but more secure; however, when it comes to TLS, Boundary tries to provide high security by default with simplicity of operation.
Details are in the individual sections below.
Client-to-Controller TLS
Boundary's API access (that is, the Controller server defaulting to port 9200) uses standard PKI. TLS is configured by providing a valid certificate (and optionally CA certificate or chain) and clients must trust that CA chain. This provides broad compatibility with a wide array of clients.
It is possible to require client certificates; see the configuration for
blocks to see the available TLS parameters.
Client-to-Worker TLS
Workers do not require any configuration for their client-facing listeners to support a high degree of security. Instead, the TLS configuration to use is determined dynamically via SNI, and the session is then mutually authenticated. Here's how it works:
TLS establishment is performed as follows:
When the session is authorized, the Controller generates a TLS certificate acting as a self-contained chain. This is similar to the Worker-to-Controller flow above, but in this case the key is an Ed25519 key generated via derivation from a base key within the Controller, which itself is protected at rest via the "root" KMS for the scope that contains the target. The derivation uses HKDF-SHA256 with the user ID and the session ID as inputs. The lifetime of the certificate is tied to the lifetime of the session.
The certificate and private key (along with other session authorization data, notably the session ID) are returned to the client as part of the output of an
action against a target, in the form of a marshaled object. The controller persists the certificate in the database, but not the private key.The client (that is, the
boundary connect
command) parses this session authorization data and uses the certificate and private key to construct a TLS stack. It then makes a TLS 1.3 connection to a Worker, passing the session ID as the SNI value.The worker sees the SNI value and makes a call to the Controller to fetch session authorization information, keyed by the session ID.
The Controller looks for a session with the given ID and fetches the information. Using the session ID and the user ID tied to the session, it re-derives the private key and passes all of the information back to the Worker. Notably, this may include a TOFU (Trust On First Use) token.
The Worker uses the given data to construct a TLS stack with the same certificate and key.
The connection is mutually authenticated; on each end, only the single self-signed CA certificate that was securely transmitted is configured as a valid root CA for validation checking.
If successful, the client and Worker perform a handshake, where the client passes a TOFU (Trust On First Use) value to the Worker. This value is derived when the client is created; that is, when
boundary connect
is run. This allows for a single client to make multiple connections within a session, without the credentials being usable via a different client:
If the worker was not given a TOFU token in step 5, the worker submits the value to the Controller. The Controller verifies (via a database transaction) that the session has not had a different TOFU token submitted prior and stores it. Otherwise it's rejected, and so is the connection, as a possible replay attack.
If the Worker was given a TOFU token in step 5, it checks to see whether the token values match. If not, the connection is rejected as a possible replay attack.
In the future, to support other client paradigms, we may support user configuration of the Worker's client-facing TLS. In this model, the shared certificate/private key would instead act as credentials for the session, similar to a username/password.
Worker-to-Upstream TLS
Workers connect to upstreams (Controllers, or other Workers) via TLS connections. In order to make these connections, Workers have to be authenticated to the cluster. How this authentication and session establishment takes place can happen in one of two ways: by a built-in X.509-based PKI system, or by leveraging a KMS system to provide secure transport of authentication information.
The KMS-based mechanism provides zero-touch registration of Workers to a cluster, while the PKI mechanism provides positive access control at registration time. Currently, HCP Boundary deployments only support PKI authentication for self-managed Workers.
PKI-Based Worker Authentication
In the PKI-based authentication mechanisms, Workers are registered to the cluster by informing the cluster of a Worker's public signing and encryption keys. The cluster then returns to the Worker a set of signed certificates and a Controller public encryption key. This process is arbited by the operator (or a provisioning system) to provide security for transport of the initial public key material.
The PKI mechanism is set up via transport of a single value from the Worker to any cluster Controller. Once established, certificates and encryption keys are automatically rotated periodically, currently at a period of two weeks.
There may be various permutations of this mechanism in the future; there is only one mechanism now, referred to as worker-led registration because the Worker produces the initial key material.
Note that the mechanisms described in this section omit detail for clarity.
Worker-Led PKI-Based Registration
Registration proceeds as follows:
The Worker generates a signing public/private Ed25519 keypair and an encryption public/private X25519 keypair, along with a registration nonce, and provides these values in a bundle to the operator or orchestration system. The bundle is signed with the Worker's private Ed25519 key (signing ensures that a Meddler-in-the-Middle (MITM) that is able to snoop traffic will be unable to masquerade as the Worker in requests sent to the Controller, due to lacking the Worker's private signing key; as a result it should never be properly registered or sent sessions to proxy).
The operator or orchestration system submits this bundle to a Controller in the cluster via an authenticated and authorized API call, requesting that a Worker resource be created tied to the given key information.
The Controller creates a Worker resource and associates it to the given key material. The Controller also signs a client-only certificate authenticating the Worker's signing key and generates its own encryption public/private keypair specific to that Worker.
The Worker requests to its configured upstream(s) to fetch its issued credentials. It provides its public keys and original registration nonce in the request, which is signed via the Worker's private Ed25519 key. (Here again this means that a MitM cannot masquerade as the Worker due to lacking the signing key.) If the configured upstream is a Controller, it can respond directly; otherwise the request is relayed up to the cluster Controllers.
A Controller receiving the request validates that the provided nonce matches the nonce in the bundle provided by the operator/orchestration system in step 2, and that the keys also match. If so, the Controller uses its Worker-specific encryption private key and the Worker's encryption public key to derive a shared symmetric encryption key, and uses it to encrypt the Worker certificate, its CA certifciate, and the nonce, and returns it to the Worker along with its encryption public key.
The Worker uses the given Controller encryption public key and its private key to derive the shared symmetric key; confirms it can decrypt the returned bundle; and validates the nonce, storing the issued certificate and CA certificate.
PKI-Based Session Establishment
Using the stored credentials, a PKI-based worker establishes a session as follows:
The Worker initiates a TLS connection to an upstream, presenting its TLS certificate along with a signed bundle containing a nonce.
The upstream requests a just-in-time server certificate (remember, certificates issued during registration are client-only), either directly (if a Controller) or via a proxied request to a Controller (if another Worker). The request conveys the Worker's nonce as well as the key ID from the client certificate.
A cluster Controller validates the key ID to ensure it is a registered worker, then creates a certificate with a short validation period that embeds the Worker's nonce, signed with the cluster's CA certificate. The Controller issuing this certificate has now authenticated the incoming Worker to the upstream, as the Controller has now vouched for the validity of the Worker tied to the client certificate. (Technically client certificate verification happens later in the TLS handshake, but conceptually this is when the incoming Worker is authenticated to the upstream.)
The upstream presents this server certificate to the Worker. The Worker validates that its nonce is embedded in the certificate and that the certificate chain can be validated to one of its saved CAs. This authenticates the upstream to the incoming Worker, since the trusted root has issued a new certificate containing the expected nonce and provided it to the upstream.
The TLS connection is now established, and the upstream can handle the Worker protocol.
PKI-Based Credential Rotation
Periodically, a PKI-based Worker will trigger rotation of its credentials. The mechanism is as follows:
The Worker generates a new signing public/private Ed25519 keypair and a new encryption X25519 public/private keypair.
The Worker creates a request to fetch new credentials from the Controller, providing its new public keys and an operation nonce in the request, encrypted with the current shared symmetric encryption key via the current X25519 parameters. As only the Controllers and the Worker can derive this shared symmetric key, the Worker knows that for the request to be satisfied it must be handled by an already-trusted Controller.
The Controller decrypts the bundle and registers the new key information to the Worker resource. It generates a new certificate and encryption public/private keypair and returns the certificate, current CA, operation nonce, and encryption public key to the worker. All but the encryption public key are encrypted with the symmetric key derived from the new Controller encryption private key/new Worker encryption public key.
This information is itself encrypted with the existing symmetric encryption key, and this value returned to the Worker.
The Worker decrypts the outer bundle with its current information, uses that to retrieve an authenticated new encryption public key from the Controller, then uses that with its new encryption private key to derive the new shared symmetric encryption key. That new key is used to decrypt the rest of the parameters, and the nonce is checked to ensure that the response is for the current operation started by the Worker in step 1.
The Worker has validated that a trusted Controller provided the new certificate information and encryption parameters and that those parameters can be used to successfully derive a shared symmetric encryption key. The Worker saves the new credentials and uses them going forwardl
KMS-Based Worker Authentication
Workers can take advantage of the KMS
key designated for worker-auth
within Boundary's configuration file, which
must point to the same key on the KMS for both the Controller and the Worker.
Security of the connection relies on secure transmission of a single set of
allowed TLS parameters, which forms the entire allowable CA chain for the
TLS establishment is performed as follows:
The Worker generates a TLS certificate acting as a self-contained chain, as well as a nonce. The generated key type is currently Ed25519. The certificate is valid for a total of 2.5 minutes: thirty seconds before the current time (to allow for some minor clock drift) and two minutes after (to allow time to establish the connection).
The Worker marshals the TLS chain and nonce and encrypts the resulting bytes via the shared KMS. This value is marshaled and split into chunks.
The Worker establishes a TLS 1.3 connection to the Controller. The encrypted value is transmitted to the Controller via the TLS ALPN field as numbered chunks.
The Controller reads the chunks and reassembles them into the original encrypted value.
The Controller decrypts this value via the shared KMS. If successful, the Controller validates that the nonce is not known to ensure that this is not a replay. The nonce value is checked against and stored into the database, ensuring that nonce replay cannot occur across controllers.
The Controller uses the decrypted parameters to configures its TLS stack with the same certificate and key.
The connection is mutually authenticated; on each end, only the single self-signed CA certificate that was securely transmitted is configured as a valid root CA for validation checking.